MuseumPrints The Dispute between the Muses and the Daughters of Pierios on Parnassus by Enea Vico from $49.99 $64.99
MuseumPrints Luidewijk Boisot, Admiral of Zeeland, plate four from Quatuor Personae by Cornelis Visscher, the Elder from $49.99 $64.99
MuseumPrints Jan van der Does, Baron of Nortwijk, plate three from Quatuor Personae by Cornelis Visscher, the Elder from $49.99 $64.99
MuseumPrints Athena, from Cabinet Reynst; Variarum imaginum a celeberrimis artificibus pictarum Caelaturae (Cabinet Reynst: Engravings of various images painted by famous artists) by Cornelis Visscher, the Elder from $49.99 $64.99
MuseumPrints The Angel Promising the Land of Sichem to Abraham by Cornelis Visscher, the Elder from $49.99 $64.99
MuseumPrints One of the Set of the Four Evangelists: Matthew by Alessandro Vittoria from $49.99 $64.99
MuseumPrints Christ Preaching, from Leben Jesu Christi, plate 19 from Woodcuts from Books of the XVI Century by Hans Wechtlin, I from $49.99 $64.99
MuseumPrints Herr Conradt Mair (recto) and Herr Hanns Paulus Herwardt (verso) from Augsburger Geschlechter Buch, plate 25 from Woodcuts from Books of the XVI Century by Christoph Weiditz, I from $49.99 $64.99
MuseumPrints Christwurz (Hellebore) from Herbarium (Krauterbuch), plate 96 from Woodcuts from Books of the XVI Century by Hans Weiditz, II from $49.99 $64.99
MuseumPrints Lucius Mutius, Scipio Africanus, and Paulus Aemilius (recto) Battle Scene (verso) from Officia M.T.C., plate 23 from Woodcuts from Books of the XVI Century by Hans Weiditz, II from $49.99 $64.99
MuseumPrints Illustration from Von dem Troianischen Krieg, plate 24 from Woodcuts from Books of the XVI Century by Hans Weiditz, II from $49.99 $64.99
MuseumPrints Adam and Eve Under a Tree (recto); Two Men in Dispute (verso) by Hermann Weyer from $49.99 $64.99